Preston A. Key

Admire.LLC Drone Pilot, Certified Under CFR Part 107

“I’ve always wanted our people to hold the kind of respect our planet deserves. Over billions of years, it’s gone through such a wonderous metamorphosis, and that’s one I’d like for our people to have the honor of witnessing and experiencing.

Most of us in our day to day lives can only ever see nature as a tree artificially transplanted into the heart of a concrete jungle, or the succulents resting amongst your windows. But this planet, this universe, has so much more to offer.

While I can’t denounce Humanities marvelous achievements over our relatively short history, I must emphasize the many magnificent creations of Nature on our planet alone.

If I through the medium I’ve chosen can help our species admire the Earth and witness some of the phenomenal things it has hidden throughout its vast surface, then I can consider this step in my personal history a success.”